Take Ten to Write

“Disgraced Princess”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Bagels and cream cheese!” — suggested by Lexi

“One plain bagel with cream cheese for an Isabelle Frontier!”

I jump as the waitress shouts my order and name. Letting out a frustrated huff, I stalk up to the counter and snatch the bag out of her hand.

“It’s Isabelle Frontière,” I snap at her before walking away and shaking my head. “Stupid peasants.”

See, none of these people seem to be able to get my name right. None. Of. Them. And to be honest, it’s getting to be super annoying. I mean, I’m their princess for crying out loud! They should be bowing before me, but I decided to let them off easy. At least for now.

Seriously, though, they should at least be able to pronounce my name correctly. It’s really not that difficult.

I burst out the door of the coffee shop and trudge through the snow. I scrunch up my nose as I feel the sludge squish underneath my boots. This has got to be the most uncivilized thing that I’ve had to do. Ever.

I continue sloshing my way through this awful winterland, angrily ripping a piece of my bagel with my teeth. As I chew the disgusting morsel of food, I see a car from the corner of my eye. It slows until it’s keeping pace beside me. I shake my head. It’s probably another one of my admirers.

The window rolls down and I see a familiar face peeking out at me.

“Are you having fun, little sis?” Harlan smirks at me.

I snarl at my brother, “Have you just come to make fun of me?”

He shakes his head, the grin still on his face. “No, little sister, of course not. I’ve come on official business.” He pauses for effect and I roll my eyes. He looks around as if checking to see that we’re alone before whispering, “Apparently, there’s going to be a murder attempt on someone from our family.”

I lift an eyebrow at him. “That’s the best you’ve got?”

His grin widens. “What? You don’t believe me?”

“You’re laughing still,” I retort. “Obviously this isn’t that big a deal. Why are you really here, Harlan?”

The amusement disappears from his face. “I’m being serious, Izzy. There really is going to be a murder attempt on the royal family. Today.”

I scoff and start walking away from him. “Whatever you say, big brother,” I call over my shoulder to him.

As soon as the words leave my mouth, my vision starts going black. I stumble and land face-first into the snow. I begin coughing uncontrollably, my lungs feeling as though they’ve just given up.

Just before I lose consciousness, I see something from the corner of my eye. Of course.

The bagel.

Final Comments: This one was actually pretty fun to write. I really enjoyed writing from a different type of character’s perspective, and I think that it turned out alright.

Overall Rating: 😏


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