“Dinosaur Attack”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “A dinosaur ruins a party.” — suggested by Mary
The screams of delight quickly turned into screams of terror as the mighty beast burst through the tent. Throwing back its head, the creature let out a terrible roar. Split flew from between its razor-sharp teeth as its beady eyes surveyed the scene around it.
Children had ran in every direction as their parents tried to defend them. One mother grabbed a hose and began spraying the creature, but the water just beaded off its scales. It let loose another roar, sending the poor woman scrambling for cover.
The monster trampled through the neatly-stacked pyramid of presents before setting its sights on the cake. A proud number ‘3’ stood in the center, alongside an icing picture of a princess riding a unicorn.
The creature paused, suddenly realizing its mistake.
Seconds later, a man raced into the tent, lanyard swinging around his neck. “Henry, wait! You’ve got the wrong party!”
The dinosaur turned and, with a small, apologetic wave, left the tent through the same hole it had entered.
“I’m so sorry about the misunderstanding,” the man said, also slinking back out. “Happy birthday!”
Final Comments: I had a really fun time writing this one!
Overall Rating: 😂

"Potionmasters Pt. 18"
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