Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Yvranna stood on the balcony of her castle, overlooking the preparations for the day’s celebrations. She couldn’t help but smile as she saw the bright decorations being set up in the main square.
Violet and gold lanterns swung as Trindil, the town’s blacksmith, wobbled on a stool to hang the string over a nail dug into a lamppost. The wind rustled through the colourful ribbons hanging from every roof, giving the impression of being in the middle of a forest. Nimania, one of Yvranna’s personal handmaidens, scurried about, trying to find the perfect gift for Yvranna’s birthday, unaware that Yvranna herself was watching. Yvranna chuckled; she had already told Nimania that she hadn’t wanted anything for her birthday, yet her best friend had insisted.
Yvranna sighed as she looked over the decorated square. The soft, joyous music could be heard from her perch on her balcony.
She decided that she needed to go down there, to celebrate with her people. With her friends.
She hurried downstairs, holding her skirt up delicately as to not trip and dirty her dress. When she reached the castle entrance, she paused and took a deep breath, smoothing down her hair and skirt to be presentable. Then, she stepped outside.
She was immediately met with the bright music that she could only faintly hear from her balcony. Her heart filled with happiness as she walked through the square, greeting everyone she met with a warm smile and a handshake. When she got to the very center of the square, she saw that people were dancing.
A tap on her should made her turn. Yvranna looked up to see her prince, Kvorne, standing behind her, a wide grin on his face. He offered her his hand and swept her off to join into the dance.
As Yvranna twirled and swayed, she had never felt happier. She was with her friends, her family, her people, doing what she loved most: dancing.
She let out a deep sigh and closed her eyes, letting the music guide her and wishing that the moment would never end.
Final Comments: Again, another incredible music prompt. I will say, however, that my sentence structure at the beginning was pretty iffy. I think I managed to sort it all out as I continued writing though. I really enjoyed picturing this one!
Overall Rating: 😌

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