“Crying At The Funeral”
This Take Ten to Write story was submitted by 12-year-old Mary. Happy reading!
Prompt: Funeral.
Harry had died at war a few days ago and his wife, Vivian and his daughters and sons were at his funeral. It was such a horrible moment for all. Everyone was gathered around his dead body at the graveyard, A.K.A the cemetery. His daughter, Fiona, was crying. His son, Nickolas, was crying, too. “Let’s go home now,” Vivian said. Everyone went home, getting into their muddy car with broken glass on the windows. They went home. When they got home, they looked out the window to see the cemetery. It wasn’t far away from their house and they could see it from the kitchen window. The next day, one of the daughters, Kaylee went into school. The project was about the worst moment of your life. When she explained the funeral, everyone in the class cried, even the teacher, Ms. Carolyn was crying. They went back to the funeral the next day. There was more crying that day and every day they went back from that day on.
The End

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