Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Write a story titled “Compass”.

It was the middle of winter when the compass started working again. No one was prepared for a quest, however the townspeople knew that they couldn’t disappoint their Goddess by refusing a quest.

It was decided that Soriya, Manilu, and Phillina would embark on this new journey, for they were the most skilled navigators of the town.

They took the sacred compass with them as they began their adventure. They had no objective other than to follow the direction the compass chose for them.

The three travellers started their adventure in the Hills of Kiridon which were in fact mountains. They so happened to be the tallest mountains in all of Eregmon, but the travellers were not aware of this. They only knew that the compass told them to cross the mountain range, so they did.

Next came Bhinran Lagoon. Only Manilu had seen the Lagoon before, and he dreaded the day that he would have to return. However, the compass told them to trek through the lagoon, so they did.

The compass’s needle began to grow stiff once more as the trio approached the Northwind Tower. This indicated that they had reached their destination.

Soriya, Manilu, and Phillina waited outside the Northwind Tower and watched the compass intently. They were certain that the needle would begin to move again, and that they would need to continue their journey.

But the compass was still. So they were still.

They were paying such close attention to the compass that the three gobnookins didn’t realize that the sun had risen.

And from that day, there has stood three odd-looking figures in front of the Northwind Tower, looking down at a compass.

For gobnookins turn to stone when exposed to sunlight. In other words, they have not moved since that day.

And neither has the compass.

Final Comments: This one was super fun to write! I will say that the title prompts allow a lot of creative freedom, and it can be a lot of fun to imagine all the possibilities. Also, I like the word ‘gobnookin,’ so it might end up making a comeback later on…

Overall Rating: 😝

Let me know your thoughts!