“Coming To Earth”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“Can you hear me?”
I opened my eyes to see a curious face peeking down at me. It was a young girl, perhaps five years of age, eyes wide and questioning as if she had never seen anything like me before.
The pounding in my head began fading. I sat up, slowly and painfully, and the girl jumped back, scrambling away from me. I held out my hands, trying to tell her that there was no reason to be afraid; I was friendly and wouldn’t dream of harming anyone or anything. She stayed there, about a meter away from me, squatting in the dirt, still staring at me with those huge, blue eyes.
I arched my back, stretching my sore muscles. I had no idea where I was, much less how I got there. Looking around, I couldn’t see anything familiar. To be honest, I had never seen anything like this planet before. There was so much green and blue…
I stretched out a hand to the girl.
“Please, do not be afraid,” I told her, keeping my voice gentle and soft.
She made no move toward me. But she also didn’t shy away.
“Can you hear me?” I asked, frowning slightly; it had suddenly occurred to me that my voicebox might not have been turned on.
Still, no movement.
I slowly rose to my feet, growing to my full height. Now, I towered over her. She shrank closer to the ground.
I double checked my voicebox before repeating, “Can you hear me?”
My voice boomed out clearly and the girl let out a shriek. She scuttled away into the sea of greenness.
I never saw her again, nor was I able to leave this strange planet that I’ve heard is called ‘Earth’.
Final Comments: So no, I don’t know what exactly the protagonist is. I’m also not really sure where I was trying to go with this story, but I can say that I do already feel a bit emotionally attached to this innocent, weirdo protagonist for some reason…
Overall Rating: 😬
"Lights Out"
"Can You Hear Me?"
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