Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Mike Marquez on Unsplash

I wrinkle my nose at the sharp scent.

“Coffee? Seriously?”

Melanie shrugs. “Sure, why not?”

I shake my head and try to get the putrid smell out of my nostrils. “No thank you. In fact, I’m going to go stand over there.” I jab a thumb toward the other side of the room.

She rolls her eyes. “Stop being such a scaredy cat. Honestly, you’d think that you’ve never seen coffee before.”

“There’s a reason why we stay away from coffee!” I exclaim. “It literally makes us melt into a puddle. A puddle, Melanie!”

Her eyes light up with devilish excitement. “Exactly. What else gives you the same type of adrenaline rush?’

A shiver runs up my spine. “No thanks. I’d much rather stay far, far away from that.”

She grabs my hand and pulls me along. “Nope, you’re coming with me. Trust me, you’ll be completely safe. We’re just going to go look at it from a safe distance.”

I try digging in my heels, but it’s no use; she’s much stronger than me. “Please, Mellie,” I whine, “I reeeally don’t want to.”

She continues marching along. “Can’t hear you.”

I continue fighting her as she drags me closer and closer to the coffee pot. There’s no way I’m going anywhere near that. I realize that she might enjoy putting herself into these death-defying experiences, but I don’t want any part of that.

She finally stops right in front of the coffee pot, keeping a firm grip on my arm to keep me from running away. We stare up at it together, watching the deep brown liquid churn inside.

“Okay, we saw it,” I snap, trying to keep the quiver out of my voice. “Can we go now?”

Just as the words leave my mouth, the coffee pot starts to rise. It lifts over our heads and slowly tips.

Melanie leans close to me and whispers into my ear.

“Now, we run.”

Final Comments: I’m not really sure what this one was about, but it was fun making it up on the spot like this!

Overall Rating: 🤣

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