Take Ten to Write

“Cheese and Crackers”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Write a story titled “Cheese and Crackers”.

I used to eat cheese and crackers for breakfast every morning before school. It was like my daily ritual to start off my day. I would wake up, get changed, go to the washroom, then eat my cheese and crackers. It was a routine, and I like routines.

It’s been years now since I’ve had cheese and crackers. The food was the first to go, mostly because everyone panicked. I guess that’s how it always is, isn’t it? People panic and take all the food then realize that they have way too much and then it all goes to waste.

During one of my first supply runs, I found a fridge filled with cheese. But there were no crackers anywhere. I settled with just eating the cheese.

The next few months were tougher. Food became scarcer. I ran out of cheese. And there were still no crackers.

We lost Dad at the end of the first year. He hadn’t left much behind, just the clothes on his back and an old knife that he had inherited from Grandpa. He told me to keep a close eye on Jeff. I promised that I would.

The next year was easier. We found a new routine. There was still no cheese and crackers. Instead, we ate beans. Beans for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

I had never longed for cheese and crackers more.

Final Comments: I have no idea how old the protagonist in this was supposed to be. I’m also not sure what type of apocalypse happened. I guess I just don’t really know the specifics of this story… But I still enjoyed writing it!

Overall Rating: 😌

Let me know your thoughts!