“Chasing Letters”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“The mail is here!” Tara calls, banging on my door. “It got loose again!”
Stifling a groan, I roll out of bed. “I’m coming.”
I slowly make my way downstairs. I can already hear the flutter of paper from the front entrance. Honestly, I was hoping to have a nice, quiet evening, but I guess I’ll be running around with a net instead.
“Here!” Tara shouts, throwing me my net. “I’ll take the family room. You get the dining room.”
This time, I don’t bother trying to hide my groan. “I got the dining room last time! It’s your turn!”
But she’s already disappeared into the family room.
Letting out a sigh, I make my way to the dining room. The letters have already made themselves at home on the chandelier and on top of the cabinet filled with memorabilia and expensive alcohol.
“Can you guys please just come down?” I call to the letters.
Of course, stubborn as ever, they stay put.
I drag my fingers through my hair before hoisting up my net. These stupid letters had better not cost me another chandelier.
Final Comments: I always have fun making inanimate objects move by themselves! Wait, so they wouldn’t be inanimate objects anymore then, would they…?
Overall Rating: 😄

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