Take Ten to Write

“Cave Disco Party”

The cave came alive at night.

The bioluminescent flora unfurled from their daytime naps. They stretched their long leaves and basked in what little moonlight slipped through the cracks in the rock. The walls of the cave twinkled in the multicoloured glow, like an immersive disco ball.

The creatures of the cave responded with their own unique dances.

The fireflies fluttered in patterns only they understood, their flickering lights reflecting in the clear pool.

The fish were more concerned with the food at this party, keeping a constant eye on the surface for their next meal. Every once in a while, one would dart up, snatch a bug, and dive back down with a silent splash.

The cave finally quieted at the first rays of dawn. The day was for rest.

But as soon as the moon rose again the next night, the cave began its party all over again.

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