Take Ten to Write

“Cave Bats”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Chris An on Unsplash

The moonlight pooled through the jagged opening in the ceiling of the cave. The rays reflected off the water, accentuating the ripples as the small pool gently splashed against the sides of the cave.

The night was still young, yet the cave was already bustling with movement. The bats were starting to wake, their little mouths opening in little O’s as they yawned. They stretched out their wings and started to move about.

On the other side of the cave, the small rodents were scurrying around the jagged rocks, carrying food and occasionally stopping to grab a sip of water from the pool. They were preparing to do the opposite of the bats: get a good night’s sleep. Once they had sufficiently drank and eaten and groomed, they tucked themselves into the tiny crevices in the cave wall. They curled up into balls, wrapping their tails around themselves before sinking into a deep sleep.

On the other hand, the flora, similarly to the bats, were just starting to blossom. They rose slowly and cautiously, as if waiting to be certain that no animal would come along and bite off their heads. Then, when they were confident enough, they pulled themselves up to their full height and displayed their full glory. The cave filled with magnificent colours. The plants emitted a soft glow that reflected in the moonlight and across the pool, giving the impression of a secret underground disco.

Only the bats knew about this glorious event—the Night Glow, they called it—and they intended to keep it that way. They held the best parties, dancing and singing together until the crack of dawn.

Then, the flowers would grow tired from holding themselves upright all night. They would give one final stretch before sinking back down to go to sleep.

The bats would return to their perches and snuggle up with each other before closing their eyes and hiding away from the sunlight.

Then it would be time for the others to come out and enjoy the tranquility of the cave.

Final Comments: This one was very different from my other stories, but it felt good to write. I felt relaxed and I actually really enjoyed writing in third person for once.

Overall Rating: 🤗

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