“Cabin in the Woods”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Get the door!”
I creep along the side of the building, slinking through the tall shadows. They don’t know that I’m here yet. Hopefully, they won’t notice.
I hear muffled voices coming from inside the cabin. Then laughing. The corner of my mouth curls up into a smirk. Soon, we’ll be having much more fun.
I slip under the window ledge and listen carefully to make sure that none of the girls are nearby. I can barely hear their voices of the howling wind, so I assume that it’s safe. Slowly, I unfurl from my crouch and peek into the window.
Ah yes, there they are. They look so comfortable and happy in their little cabin in the woods.
The fireplace reflects a soft light onto their faces and I recognize each one.
And, most importantly, Agatha.
My grin widens when I see that everyone’s present. I duck back down under the windowsill as to not be spotted and creep back to meet my accomplices.
“They’re in position,” I whisper, unable to keep the glee from my voice. “Let’s go.”
I lead the way back towards the cabin, bracing myself against the biting wind. Behind me, I hear the soft crunches of feet tiptoeing over fallen leaves.
Someone steps on a branch and there’s a sharp snap. I wince and turn on the one responsible, giving him a glare before returning my attention to my target.
When I reach the door, I hear the shrill, excited voices from inside once again. I turn to my accomplices and they give me a nod. They’re ready. It’s time.
I take a deep breath before standing up straight. I raise my fist and bang on the cabin door.
Immediately, the voices inside go silent.
Then, “Agatha, go on, get the door!”
I hear someone—probably Agatha—protest, but eventually, I hear the lock click. I clench my fists in anticipation as the door slowly creaks open.
Agatha stares at us, her eyes wide. I grin at her.
“Surprise!” I exclaim along with everyone else. “Happy birthday, Agatha!”
Final Comments: Honestly, this story didn’t turn out how I had originally planned. But I’ve noticed that after the first sentence, my idea always seems to change. I think that I like this version better than how I had originally imagined it, though!
Overall Rating: 😜

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