Take Ten to Write


Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Just because something doesn’t do what you planned it to do doesn’t mean it’s useless.” — Thomas A. Edison

Before you ask, no, I didn’t intend for my invention to create giant, indestructible bubbles that envelop entire buildings and lift them up, up, up into the sky until they disappear forever.

My original intention for my invention was to create indestructible bubbles. That was it, plain and simple.

But then one thing led to another, and now we’ve got giant freaking bubbles sucking up all our infrastructure.

Sorry, I’m getting ahead of myself again. I’m just a bit stressed about this whole I’m-the-one-who-caused-mass-destruction-and-maybe-even-the-end-of-the-world thing, y’know?

Okay, getting back to the beginning. Yes, my original idea. I’d been out playing with my kids with bubbles, but it was getting so frustrating that the bubbles kept popping within two seconds! I mean, just how annoying is that?!

It’s at times like those that having access to a top-notch science lab is really useful. I spent the next few days tirelessly coming up with different formulas to create truly indestructible bubbles.

I never really thought that I’d succeed, though.

Anyway, I went through buckets and barrels and tanks of different solutions, when I finally stumbled across the solution. No, quite literally, the liquid solution for the indestructible bubbles.

That was exactly a week ago.

I was so excited to bring my creation back to my children. We played with those bubbles all day, and then stored them overnight in a little container.

But then, they got bored. They said that little bubbles were for little kids. So, I decided to make them bigger.

I enlisted the help of one of my friends and she helped me build a gigantic bubble-blower.

This morning, we tested it for the first time. And, well, you know what happened.

Of course, I forgot to mention earlier that the off switch for the bubble-blower seems to not exactly be working at the moment. So…. yeah.

At least the city has a bit more open space now…?

Final Comments: The narration style for this one was actually really fun to write.

Overall Rating: 😂

Let me know your thoughts!