Take Ten to Write

“Brussels Sprouts”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: “Write a love story about something you hate.” — suggested by E. L. Stew

Where to start? There are just so many things I could say about you, about why I love you.

I know that this might make me seem shallow, but I’d like to start with physical appearances. I mean, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen anything more beautiful. Let’s start with the shade of green of your leaves. Just absolutely stunning. Glittering emeralds stand at the level of vomit green in comparison to your shade of green. And your leaves are so delicate. Every time I pick you up, I’m extra careful not to crumple or disturb a single leaf, because that would just be so disrespectful to the care you take in growing each of your leaves in their place.

But let’s discuss something else now. Your flavour, perhaps.

I just love your bitterness. Nothing else comes close to being as brilliant and incredible as you when it comes to taste. Every single bite takes me back to my childhood, bringing back fond memories of when my grandmother would prepare her signature dish of mashed potatoes and Brussels sprouts. Ah yes, that was just my absolute favourite meal when I was growing up. I mean, it still is now too, but whenever I try cooking it, it never turns out quite like Grandma’s.

Oh, I could go on and on forever about why I love Brussels sprouts, but unfortunately, my time is up. Maybe next time, I’ll discuss something I hate, like ice cream.

Final Comments: Please note: Should be read with heavy sarcasm. I mean, obviously no one can hate ice cream. I also learnt through writing this that the correct spelling is Brussels sprouts, not Brussel sprouts…

Overall Rating: 😆

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