Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

I woke up to see my brother’s butt pressed up against my face. With a disgusted squeak, I pushed him away. He simply rolled over; of course the big lump didn’t wake up.

With a sigh, I pushed myself up and did a big stretch before crawling out of bed and heading to the bathroom. After I finished my business, I strolled over to eat breakfast. My mouth was practically watering by the time I crossed the room to reach my place.

But I was stopped dead in my tracks when I saw the horror before me: My bowl was empty.

My stomach grumbled. The sound gradually rose from my stomach to my throat and rose in pitch. I opened my mouth and a loud scream rang out.

“Where’s my food? Where’s my food?” I screeched over and over. Getting agitated, I started pacing back and forth, the cry still rising from my lips.

Eventually, in the distance, I heard muffled grumbling. Moments later, a face appeared above me. Finally!

The face made some more noises, but I wasn’t listening. I just wanted my breakfast!

The familiar crinkle of a plastic bag echoed above me and I jumped up on my hind legs to watch the magnificent pouring of the food. As the pellets clinked into the bowl, my screeches turned into those of excitement. The bag had barely been pulled away from the bowl before I raced over and buried my face into the delicious pile of food. I took a massive bite and chomped away.

As I swallowed, I let out a contended sigh. I could tell that it was going to be a good day.

Final Comments: While this story could’ve been about any small animal, I was thinking about my guinea pigs while I wrote it! They often squish themselves into their little log hide together… It’s super cute!!

Overall Rating: 🥰

Jezlyn Lang

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