Take Ten to Write

“Bird Feed”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Prompt: All birds have become carnivores.

“Rex! It’s time for dinner!” I call, making my way over to the slab of stone that we’ve made into our new table.

My little brother stomps over, dragging a stick on the ground behind him. “I’m not hungry,” he huffs, crossing his chubby arms in front of him.

I reach down and scoop him up, tickling his stomach and making him giggle. “You will be when you see what Mom’s cooked up,” I tell him, swinging him around. Only when we reach the table do I put him down. Immediately, he runs to Dad, begging to be picked up.

Dad chuckles. “Alright, come here, Rex.”

He lifts Rex and throws him up into the air. I turn my attention to Mom.

“Is there anything I can do to help?” I ask her, shooing a cluster of insects off the table.

Mom nods at the boar roasting above the fire. “Can you watch the meat? I’m afraid the birds will come and steal it.”

As I head over to the fire, I pick up my spear. After all, you can never be too careful with all these vicious birds flying around.

I stand guard next to the boar as it finishes cooking. It smells amazing and I find myself getting distracted by it.

“Nil! Watch out!” Mom screeches.

I look up, startled, to see the talons of a huge bird stretched out towards me. I let out a yelp and duck, lifting my spear above my head at the same time. The bird squawks slightly and dodges the tip of my spear. Then, it turns and dives at me again.

I scramble away from it as Dad rushes to my side, his club in his hand.

“Stay back!” he shouts over his shoulder.

Frustrated that he’s trying to protect me, I step out beside him. “I can take care of myself,” I retort.

He doesn’t argue with me, but he does swing at the bird when it gets too close.

“Just let it have the meat!” Mom yells at us, her voice quivering slightly. “We have plenty of food from our hunt. We don’t need the boar.”

“No!” I shout. “That meat belongs to us!”

I charge at the bird will a scream, suddenly filled with determination to bring it down.

The bird lets out a sharp screech and veers upwards at the last second, just barely grazing my spear.

Its talons make contact with my face and the last thing I see is that stupid bird carrying away our meat.

Final Comments: This one was a bit rocky. I realized as I was writing that my language was extremely modern and not at all appropriate for the Stone Age that I was trying to portray. However, I did enjoy imagining a scenario that took place in the past rather than the future.

Overall Rating: 😐

Let me know your thoughts!