“Between a Bubble and a Monster”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Foaming soap.” — suggested by Lexi
I watched as the bubbles rose and rose and rose. They continued growing, slowly dribbling down onto the ground right behind me.
My feet were rooted in place. I looked down to see that my foot was stuck in that disgusting-smelling blue goo. I cursed under my breath; this stuff was harder to get off than mud in the middle of spring.
A loud, booming voice washed over me. Immediately, my limbs froze. Only my eyes were capable of still moving. I tried stopping them, but it was too late.
I’d seen the monster.
It loomed over me, covering me with its big, ugly shadow. Luckily, it hadn’t seen me yet.
I began trying to loosen my foot again from that horrible blue goo. But I was stuck tight.
While the monster continued with its business in front of me, the bubbles continued to grow behind me. They were getting closer.
I took a deep breath. The only way for me to escape would be for me to do the unthinkable.
I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and prepared to yank myself out of my gooey trap.
Just as I was about to move, that ear-splitting voice rang out again. My eyes snapped open. The monster had seen me.
There was no time to waste. I tugged with all my might, but it was useless. Even though adrenaline coursed through me, I wasn’t strong enough to escape the goo.
The monster approached, holding one of its forefeet up high. It stared me right in the eye before bringing its foot down.
I closed my eyes and braced for impact.
Final Comments: I feel like this one was pretty similar to yesterday’s story, but I had fun imagining it.
Overall Rating: 😬

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Yay! We both wrote about goo!m, but your was so intense and cool! Love it!
Jezlyn Lang
Hehe 🥰