“Attacking Pandris”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
“What’s happening?” Gangius hissed, peering through the darkness for any sign of movement.
Kanter squinted in the pale moonlight, searching frantically for a shifting branch or even a rustle of leaves, but there was nothing.
Piercing, panicked screams suddenly filled the air and Kanter and Gangius exchanged a wide-eyed glance. Leftflank-Leader Arrinn materialized beside them and started barking orders at them. In the heat of the moment, Kanter couldn’t quite comprehend what his squad leader was trying to tell him, but Gangius dragged him along, leading him to join the rest of their squad.
Kanter’s mind finally started clearing as Arrinn started explaining what was happening.
“The Pandrisian army has been alerted of our presence,” he snapped. “Our orders are to go around the wall to Hrentor Gate and attack there.”
Kanter’s eyes widened. This was actually happening. They were about to start a war with Pandris, his love’s province.
He turned to Gangius. “I can’t do this,” he whispered. “Iza would never forgive me.”
Gangius scoffed. “You still believe that she loves you, don’t you?”
Kanter scowled at his friend. While he knew that Gangius didn’t approve of his relationship with ‘the enemy’, he had always maintained hope that he would support his unconditional love for Iza.
“She loves me just as much as I love her,” Kanter insisted.
Gangius stared at Kanter for a moment longer before finally sighing. “Alright, I believe you,” he said. Then, after a pause, he said, “Send my best to Iza.”
Without hesitation, he stabbed at the base of Kanter’s jaw with two outstretched fingers. Kanter went down in a heartbeat, his last sight being his friend’s crooked smile.
Final Comments: I think I’m slowly getting more used to writing in third person… It still feels a bit awkward and strained sometimes, but I think it’s starting to feel a bit more natural.
Overall Rating: 🤗


"Her Best Friend"
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