“Applesauce Argument”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “Applesauce.” — suggested by Mary
“Did you get applesauce?”
I pause. “No, but–“
Even before I see her, I hear Gigi’s foot tapping. I brace myself for the storm that’s about to come.
“I asked you to get one little thing, but of course you forgot!” She rounds the corner so that I can see her fury in all its glory. Her lips purse and her brow scrunches as she continues yelling. “Applesauce! Applesauce! That’s all you had to buy! APPLESAUCE!
“What, is it that you want our baby to starve? Because you know full well that our baby will only eat applesauce. He’s just like you; picky eater, late walker, late talker. Is that why you don’t want to feed him? Is it because he reminds you of you? Is it because he reminds you that you’re a pathetic loser who doesn’t even deserve to have such a beautiful and intelligent and special wife?”
Suddenly, her face contorts once again. “You’re leaving us, aren’t you?” Her lips tremble as tears collect in her eyes. “You didn’t get the applesauce like I asked because you’re planning on leaving us. You just came to drop off the house keys and then you’re going to run off with some other woman and have kids with her and you’re going to bring those kids applesauce. That’s it, isn’t it? You’re leaving us!”
When she starts crying hysterically, I walk away. She’ll cool down in about two seconds when she realizes that I got her ice cream instead because the store was out of applesauce.
Final Comments: I realized that I don’t write many arguments into my stories.
Overall Rating: 🤔

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