Take Ten to Write

“Apples or Pears?”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

“I’ve never hated anything more than __________.”

I’ve never hated anything more than apples. Sure, some people hate spiders or exams or the dark, but I hate apples.

Why, you may ask? Well, I’ll tell you exactly why: Apples are just the worst. They’re literally everywhere, from the grocery store, to schools, to laptops. I mean, what even makes apples so special? Why does everyone love apples so much?

I can’t say that I understand the apple craze. Personally, I’m more of a pear type of person. Apples are just kind of overrated, in my opinion, and pears are usually just forgotten, which is pretty unfair. I mean, apples take the title of Best Fruit in the World all the time, and that’s just not fair to all the pears out there! Pears deserve recognition too!

But that’s not all. Apples have brainwashed everyone, including doctors. Where did that saying ‘An apple a day keeps the doctor away’ come from anyway? That’s right. Apples! Why else would something as dumb as apples be the topic of such a well-known saying? Because the apples brainwashed everyone! They’re slowly trying to take over the world, just you wait and see.

Imagine what it would be like, a world run by apples. It would honestly probably be my worst nightmare, having to slave away and do all the work for the apples. I don’t want to be a servant to an apple! That’s just not how the food chain is supposed to work!

If anything, I believe that pears should have the chance to rule the world. Pears deserve the fame and fortune more than those scheming apples do. What evidence do I have of that? It’s simply a fact, isn’t it? That pears are better? Yeah, I think that it is.

So, there you have it. In short, apples are the worst and pears deserve to rule the world.

Final Comments: I actually love apples. I’m not sure why ‘apples’ was the first thing I thought of when I was trying to fill in the blank, but then I was stuck with it and I had to finish it. This one wasn’t really a story–more of a rant–but it (surprisingly) got me thinking quite a bit

Overall Rating: 🤔

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