“Another Party”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Another Party”.
“Another party?” I sigh, flopping down onto the couch. “You’re kidding me, right?”
“Nope!” Lizzie exclaims, bouncing on the cushion beside me. “We’re throwing another party here. Tonight. You’re in charge of the food this time, because Vanessa really messed that up last night. I mean seriously, who pairs wine with pickles? Pickles? Does anyone even like pickles to begin with?”
“I like pickles,” I mutter, but Lizzie continues talking over me.
“So, instead, tonight, I’m putting Vanessa in charge of the decorations and you’ll be in charge of the food. Meanwhile, I’ll go get the surprise ready.”
“Wait, there’s a surprise?”
She winks. “It’ll be awesome, trust me.”
A wink? Uh oh, that can only mean one thing.
I sit up straight and stare her in the eye. “Lizzie, please tell me you didn’t get a dog.”
“Pfft, whaaat? I would never…”
She trails off and refuses to meet my eyes.
“Did you seriously get a dog?” I gasp. “You know we can’t have dogs here!”
“It’s only temporary,” she says with a shrug. “He’s a foster dog. Trust me, as soon as you see him, you’ll completely fall in love with him.”
“So that’s why we’re having a party tonight? To celebrate us getting a dog?”
“Exactly!” She starts bouncing on the couch again.
“So what was the reason for last night’s party?”
“It was to celebrate your graduation, obviously.”
“And the night before?”
“Vanessa’s birthday.”
“And the night before?”
“Oh, that one was just for fun.”
I shoot her an exasperated look. “So you’re really serious about this whole dog thing?”
She nods enthusiastically. “I’ve already signed all the paperwork and everything!”
Final Comments: I feel like it would’ve been more effective if the protagonist had asked about all the parties at the beginning of the story and that’s how they find out that this next party is to celebrate them getting a dog.
Overall Rating: 😕
"Plant Emotions"
"Another Party"
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