“Annoying Antelope”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: Write a story titled “Annoying Antelope”.
Andy Antelope bounced through the tall grass. He was on a top secret mission.
On his way, he passed Rex Rhinoceros. Andy Antelope bounced around him.
“Hello, Rex Rhinoceros!” Andy Antelope exclaimed. “I’m on a top secret mission. Do you want to come with me?”
Rex Rhinoceros was curious. What could this top secret mission be?
“Sure!” Rex Rhinoceros said. “Can you tell me what the top secret mission is?”
“Later!” Andy Antelope said. “Come on, let’s go!”
Andy Antelope bounced and Rex Rhinoceros stomped through the tall grass. They were on a top secret mission.
On their way, they passed Gabrielle Giraffe. Andy Antelope bounced around her.
“Hello, Gabrielle Giraffe!” Andy Antelope exclaimed. “Rex Rhinoceros and I are on a top secret mission. Do you want to come with us?”
Gabrielle Giraffe was curious. What could this top secret mission be?
“That sounds like fun!” Gabrielle Giraffe said. “Can you tell me what the top secret mission is?”
“Yes, can you tell us now?” Rex Rhinoceros added.
“Later!” Andy Antelope said. “Come on, let’s go!”
Andy Antelope bounced, Rex Rhinoceros stomped, and Gabrielle Giraffe strode through the tall grass. They were on a top secret mission.
On their way, they passed Zachary Zebra. Andy Antelope bounced around him.
“Hello, Zachary Zebra!” Andy Antelope exclaimed. “Rex Rhinoceros, Gabrielle Giraffe, and I are on a top secret mission. Do you want to come with us?”
Zachary Zebra was curious. What could this top secret mission be?
“Okay!” Zachary Zebra said. “Can you tell me what the top secret mission is?”
“Yes, can you tell us now?” Rex Rhinoceros snorted.
“Yes, please do tell,” Gabrielle Giraffe pleaded.
“Later!” Andy Antelope said. “Come on, let’s go!”
Andy Antelope bounced, Rex Rhinoceros stomped, Gabrielle Giraffe strode, and Zachary Zebra pranced through the tall grass. They were on a top secret mission.
But Rex Rhinoceros, Gabrielle Giraffe, and Zachary Zebra were not having fun anymore. They wanted to know what the top secret mission was.
“Please tell us,” Rex Rhinoceros said.
“We would really like to know,” Gabrielle Giraffe said.
“Yes, yes, please tell us,” Zachary Zebra said.
“Later!” Andy Antelope exclaimed.
Rex Rhinoceros, Gabrielle Giraffe, and Zachary Zebra became annoyed. Andy Antelope wasn’t telling them anything.
Finally, Andy Antelope stopped bouncing through the tall grass. They were at the watering hole.
“Surprise!” Andy Antelope exclaimed. “It’s a surprise sunset-watching party just for you! That was my top secret mission!”
Rex Rhinoceros, Gabrielle Giraffe, and Zachary Zebra smiled. Together, they exclaimed, “This is a great surprise! Thank you, Andy Antelope!”
The End.
Final Comments: Wow, that was a horrible ending… I also feel like this probably would’ve made more sense in picture book format, but it was really fun to write a kid’s story again!
Overall Rating: 😅

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