Take Ten to Write

“An Almost-Perfect Vacation”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!


“Nicole, are you coming?”

“Yeah, just a second!” I call back, shoving the rest of my clothes into my suitcase.

As soon as the last piece of fabric is safely inside the bag, I zip it closed and race downstairs to join the rest of my family.

“Are you sure you have everything?” Mom asks.

I nod and hand her my suitcase. “I double checked and packed an extra set of clothes, just in case,” I reassure her. “Are you sure you have everything?”

She frowns. “Well, I have my keys and my wallet and my purse and… Oh!” She suddenly races inside. Moments later, she returns, dragging her own suitcase.

Now I have everything,” she says, somewhat sheepishly.

“Uh huh,” I smirk, helping her load our luggage into the trunk.

I climb into the passenger’s seat and am immediately buffeted by my brothers’ screams.

“I want to play on the tablet!” “No, I want to play on the tablet” “No, I want to play on the tablet!” “No, me!” “No, me!”

Then, the predictable, “Mom! Trevor is being a meanie!” “No I’m not! Rufus is being a meanie!”

Mom rolls her eyes at me, but I can see the amusement on her face. I sit back with a huff but can’t stop a smile from appearing.

“Ready for the eight-hour drive?” Mom asks, winking at me.

“Oh yeah,” I shout over my brothers’ cries. “Can’t wait.”

Honestly, the next eight hours aren’t awful. Trevor and Rufus eventually tire each other out and they both pass out for a good four hours. During that time, Mom and I talk and sing songs at the top of our lungs.

When we arrive at the resort, the boys have each had a chance to play on the tablet and are now hungry. No surprises there.

Life is good. Excellent, even. Sure, the boys are rowdy and, or hungry at any given point in time, and Mom may be a bit stressed, but that’s just a typical day in the Verner household.

But unfortunately, life can’t stay good forever. We didn’t come to this resort alone.

Enter Dad and his new family.

Final Comments: I had no idea what to do with this prompt. Hammocks remind me of vacations… Is that close enough?

Overall Rating: 🤨

Let me know your thoughts!