“Afternoon Nap”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Her jaws opened wide in a yawn. It was midday, and the warm sunlight was making her sleepy. She finished her yawn and stretched out her from paws; she was ready to take a nice afternoon nap. She rested her head down on her paws and closed her eyes. Slowly, she drifted off to sleep, ears flicking occasionally as she dreamt.
Above her, two robins fluttered across the canopy of branches. They twittered to each other, telling each other stories of their adventures from the morning. One of them had spent the early hours trying to find breakfast; the other had spent her time collecting the materials they needed for a nest. Now, they were trying to decide on a good place to build their home. They argued over the location, hopping from branch to branch, trying to picture the view they would get from their nest. Finally, they fluttered off, with hopes to find somewhere better.
Down below, way down below, was a mole, digging his way through the soil. Scooping large piles of dirt to the side with his paws, he was able to build a tunnel. He had no concept of destination; all he knew was that he loved to dig. He dug and dug and dug until he popped out of the grass, right next to a moss-covered log. A creature, larger and fluffier than him, lay on top of the log. ‘Predator!’ his mind screamed. So back underground he went to dig until his heart was content.
The rustle of wings and the tumble of soil woke her from her sleep. The sun was descending, slowly and gracefully, behind the trees. She opened her mouth in another yawn before shaking her head and standing. It had been a good nap, but now she had other things to do.
Final Comments: I wrote this one while I was sitting outside, so I think that that definitely helped me with the imagery in this story.
Overall Rating: 🙂

"Potionmasters Pt. 20"

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