“After All This Time”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
The valley looks so peaceful at this time of day. I release a sigh; I had hoped to never come back here.
As I walk down the hill, memories come flooding back. Ghosts dance around me, echoes of the past.
Marina and Lilia laughing and running through the grass, chasing each other in an endless game pf cat-and-mouse.
Hector collecting strange-shaped rocks for his collection.
Penny and Bill walking, hand-in-hand, cradling baby Tulip in their arms.
Each image forms perfectly in my mind, a reminder of what I used to know.
As I pass each one, they disappear, becoming simple wisps in the breeze, evaporating into thin air.
When I reach the town, my hometown, the silence weighs on my, making my every step feel as if I’m trudging through mud.
Marina and Lilia glance at me, their eyes hollow and their faces pale.
Hector doesn’t give me a second look; his full attention is on the coffin that he’s crafting.
And Tulip, the baby I had once held in my arms, I barely recognize her. She carries an air of despair, of hopelessness.
I recognize them, but they have no recollection of who I am. Perhaps this is for the best.
Final Comments: To be honest, I’m not sure how I feel about this one. The main idea that I wanted to convey only came to me about halfway through, so I feel like I wasn’t able to properly tell the story. However, the music was great to listen to.
Overall Rating: 😐

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