Take Ten to Write

“Across the Dance Floor”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

There was something strange about the girl on the golden-eyed man’s arm, yet Iza couldn’t quite place her finger on it. The girl looked the part of a noblewoman, yet her curved shoulders and furtive glances this way and that gave her away.

“There,” Iza whispered to Darmoth, tugging gently on his arm. “That’s our Veiler.”

Darmoth followed Iza’s gaze across the room. “Are you sure?”

The girl tugged at her dress, the hem lifting for a split second to allow Iza to see the leather boots underneath. She smiled. “I’m positive.”

Iza started walking toward the girl and the golden-eyed man, but Darmoth’s arm around hers stopped her in her tracks.

“Come on,” she hissed, straining to keep her eyes on the Veiler through the crowd. “We might lose her.”

“That’s Lord Ekburn,” Darmoth hissed into her ear.


“He’s one of the most powerful men in the Province!”

“I still fail to see how this should affect us.”

The music quickened again and the dance floor filled. The girl and Lord Eckburn disappeared behind the crowd.

“Come on,” Iza repeated, pulling at Darmoth. “This might be our only chance to confront her!”

“Lady Trelling!”

Iza froze, her grip tightening on Darmoth’s arm. She turned slowly to see Lord Ortigan walking toward her.

“Who is that?” Darmoth muttered.

A shiver ran down Iza’s spine as she met Lord Ortigan’s eyes. Her lips turned downward into a grimace and her stomach twisted into an ever-tightening knot.

“That,” Iza hissed, “is the man who killed my father.”

Final Comments: I had a different idea earlier today for an excerpt but I didn’t have time to write it and I forgot to write it down… So here we are with a different excerpt, which was still lots of fun to write!

Overall Rating: 🙂

Let me know your thoughts!