“A Rough Draft”
Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!
Prompt: “It’s just a rough draft.”
“It’s just a rough draft,” he says, shaking his head. “It’s not very good.” Still, as he hands me the paper, I see a glint of excitement in his eyes; this is the first time anyone’s going to be reading the result of his past year’s worth of labour.
I chuckle as I settle down into the bean bag chair to read. “Don’t be ridiculous. I’m sure it’s still great.”
He purses his lips but falls silent and lets me read in peace.
As I read, my stomach feels heavier and heavier. It’s… not good. Like, borderline bad.
To stall, I act like I’m really mulling over the words. I’m able to stretch it out to a good ten minutes before even I have to admit the faking looks, well, fake.
I bite my lip as I put the paper down.
“So?” he asks, eyes shining as he eagerly awaits for my feedback.
“Well…” I say slowly, feeling the word in my mouth.
He’s leaning so far forward in his seat that I’m sure he’s about to fall off. “Yes?”
I realize I stopped talking mid-sentence. I clear my throat before squeaking, “It wasn’t bad.”
His face falls. “But it wasn’t good, was it. I knew it! I never should’ve showed you!”
He jumps to his feet and snatches the paper from my hands, giving me a paper cut.
“Ow,” I mutter under my breath as he stalks away. I faintly hear his door slam in the distance.
Well, that could’ve gone better.
Final Comments: I also don’t do great with criticism even though I know it’s necessary to improve…
Overall Rating: 😬

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