Take Ten to Write

“Her Job”

Author’s Note: This is a Take Ten to Write story and has not been proofread for errors. If I feel inspired or if there’s interest in the story, I’ll post a revised, edited, and extended version at a later date. Happy reading!

Photo prompt by Martí Sierra on Unsplash

She loved her job. She knew that others didn’t understand it, but she loved her job. She loved adventuring into the darkest, most dangerous places and documenting them so that everyone else could see. She loved sharing those moments with the world, the moments that would give others goosebumps at just the very thought of living them.

As such, her job was dangerous. Very dangerous. She would venture into the darkest of places that no one else would dare go. She would explore the very night of the universe, with the hope of catching even the slightest glimpse of something worth keeping in memory forever.

She lived off that fear. Those chills and prickles up her spine kept her adrenaline up, kept her moving and on her feet. The whispers and screams would chase her at night. And yet, she continued walking into those dark alleys and into those creaky old basements. She continued doing her job because she loved it.

Final Comments: I feel like I just kept writing the same thing over and over and over and over……. Unfortunately, I only got the idea of her being a photographer of the supernatural as I was finishing writing it.

Overall Rating: 😣

Let me know your thoughts!